How To Get Abs – Follow @dancudes for the best diet and fitness tips! – Stop co…

How To Get Abs – Follow @dancudes for the best diet and fitness tips! – Stop counting your calories and doing your 100 sit-ups a day and listen! I am going to be blunt and honest here. Getting abs is not easy. Never was and never will be. So anyone ever trying to sell you some sort of shortcut diet or magic fat burning pull is simply stealing your money and is preparing to sell you another product when this one fails! No one is going to tell you the boring truth to getting abs but I'm going to right now! – To get abs you need to do a few things. First and foremost is eating a whole foods diet! This means the world's most nutrient-dense foods as natural as they come 24/7-365! There is no getting around it. After that is done and part of your lifestyle now we can get into the specefics. – Things often neglected like 7-9 hours of sleep and training full-body or PPL are key to leaning out building muscle and showing your abs! People feel to lean down they have to continuously get smaller but we actually want the opposite! We want to get stronger and focus on building and/or maintaining muscle mass! You'll also notice I say to eat carbs and not follow a keto diet (unless otherwise specified by your doctor) as we need those carbs for intense workouts which generate the best most stimulus and thus the beat results! You also need to train your abs because they are like every other muscle; they won't develop until stimulated to do so! – I will say though that striving for abs is great but never lose sight of your health! No other fitness goal is as important! You can get abs and be lean but do so in a healthy way! – As always love yourself and strive to thrive! Chat soon Dan!

Source by tipss4u

